Official Selection (2021)

November 7, 2021 News

Arpa International Film Festival 2021 to Showcase a Diverse Collection of 70 Films from 21 Counties.

We are thrilled to announce the full lineup of the 24th Annual Arpa International Film Festival (Arpa IFF) taking place online through our partner, Eventive, from November 21 to December 5, 2021. This year’s festival will highlight a diverse range of 70 films from 21 countries that explore themes such as Armenian history, immigration, family dynamics, environmentalism, music, art, and LGBTQ issues.


1 directed by Dayoung Lee (Korea, Republic of)
Belief directed by Masud Akhond (Sweden)
Big Touch directed by Christopher Tenzis (United States)
Borekas directed by Saleh Saadi (Palestine, State of)
ChickenQueen Paradise directed by Ken Blindenbacher (Switzerland)
Couple directed by Joohyun JEON (Korea, Republic of)
Dear Mom directed by Mel Mah (United States)
Do.Solo.Pin directed by Javad Atefeh (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Dolphin Boy directed by Jackson Little (United States)
Foreign directed by Silva Gevorkyan (Australia)
Glass Door directed by Katherine King (United States)
Hello Mother directed by Natalie Shirinian (United States)
Hippopotamus & Crocodile Hunt directed by Germain Kanda (Romania)
iMigrant Woman directed by Nora Armani (United States)
Lazy People directed by Jacqueline Postajian and Kathryn Ferentchak (United States)
No.1 directed by Angela Healin Kweon (United States)
Nunik directed by Yelena Arshakyan (Armenia)
On a Saturday Afternoon directed by Tae Hun An (Korea, Republic of)
Pit-a-Pat directed by Lee Man-oh (Korea, Republic of)
Pussy, Pussy, Bling, Bling directed by Sarineh Garapetian and Kathryn Ferentchak (United States)
Resurrection Myth directed by Ara Oshagan (United States)
Sing (to Me) directed by Andrew Acedo (United States)
Take the Vax directed by Edsta (United States)
The Pain directed by Tigran Nersisian (United States)
The Red Pearl Queen directed by Miguel Angel Romero Yepes (Spain)
The Stench. directed by Won Jang (Korea, Republic of)
The Wild Nest directed by Rahma Hussam El-Deeb (Egypt)
Tinsel Over Twizel directed by Pamela Guha (New Zealand)
Toad directed by Hongshi Zhong (United States)
Waking Up to This directed by Marco Coppola (Italy)
Warm Breeze – Body, Soul, Spirit directed by Andrea Toy Bonvicini (Italy)
Wasted Seed directed by Nino Mancuso (United States)
Well-dying directed by Nuri Oh (Korea, Republic of)
Why Is It So Warm On Christmas? directed by Choi Woo Gene (Korea, Republic of)