A Second Chance (United States)

Short Documentary

Running Time: 10 minutes 9 seconds

Director: Arden Pala
Writer: James Vasquez
Producer: Zeynep Ilgaz
Cast: Arden Pala


Director’s Message:

Hi, my name is Arden. I am currently a 12-year-old living in San Diego, California. Some of my goals in this documentary are to show the viewers the homeless problems in San Diego.  I live in San Diego, and I often see the homeless when I drive around downtown.  During this documentary, I have incorporated interviews of people that have been homeless and people that are working to help stop the homeless issue in San Diego.  This documentary explains how hard it actually is to be homeless. I hope this documentary opens your eyes to what it is like to be homeless and how homeless people can’t just “get a job.”
Hearing all these stories has changed the way I think of homelessness, and I hope it changes the way you think too.
Anyone gave a second chance is given an opportunity; a way to move forward
-Arden Pala